Articles Posted in Commercial and Business Dispute Litigation

City of South Miami, Florida – Municipal Bonds – Florida FINRA Arbitration and Litigation Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

City of South Miami, Florida – Tax Exempt Bond – Florida FINRA Arbitration and State and Federal Court Litigation Attorney: The Securities and Exchange Commission recently charged the City of South Miami, Fla., with defrauding bond investors about the tax-exempt financing eligibility of a mixed-use retail and parking structure being built in its downtown commercial…

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Limited Partnership – Florida Breach of Contract and Breach of Fiduciary Duty State and Federal Court Commercial and Business Litigation Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

Limited Partnership Breach of Contract, Breach of Fiduciary Duty, Mismanagement and Misrepresentation Commercial and Business State and Federal Court Litigation Attorney: A Limited Partnership is an organization made up of a General Partner, who manages the entity, and limited partners, who invest money but have limited liability, are who are not involved in the day-to-day…

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Restricted or Lettered Securities – Florida Security, Investment and Business State and Federal Court Litigation and AAA Arbitration Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

Restricted or Lettered Security – Florida Security, Investment and Business State and Federal Court Litigation and American Arbitration Association Attorney: “Restricted” or “Lettered” Security generally describers a stock or bond that is not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Consequently, these securities cannot be sold in the public market. When such a stock or…

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Making a Contract, Performing a Contract, Breaching a Contract – Florida Breach of Contract and General Business State and Federal Court Litigation Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

Making a Contract, Performing a Contract, Breaching a Contract – South Florida Breach of Contract and Business Litigation Attorney: A contract is a general, agreement by which rights or acts are exchanged for lawful consideration. To be valid, the contract must be entered into by competent parties, must cover a legal and moral transaction, must…

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General Partner – Florida Mismanagement, Breach of Fiduciary Duty or Breach of Contract Commercial and Business Litigation and Arbitration Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

General Partner – Florida Mismanagement, Breach of Fiduciary Duty or Breach of Contract – Commercial and Business Litigation and Arbitration Attorney: General Partner: 1. One of two or more partners who are jointly and severally responsible for the debts of the partnership. 2. Managing partner of a “Limited Partnership,” who is responsible for the operations…

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Accountant’s Opinion – Florida Accountant Negligence and Misstatement Commercial and Business Litigation Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

Florida Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Public Accountant Negligence and Breach of Contract State and Federal Court Litigation Attorney: An audit is a professional examination and verification of a company’s accounting documents and supporting data for the purpose of rendering an opinion as to their fairness, consistency, and conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. An…

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Commercial Property – South Florida Business and Commercial Litigation and AAA Arbitration Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

South Florida Commercial Property Dispute State and Federal Court and American Arbitration Association (AAA) Arbitration Attorney: The phrase “Commercial Real Estate” includes income-producing property, such as office buildings, factories, warehouses, industrial parks, hotels, shopping centers and restaurants. Commercial property must usually be zoned for business purposes. It is possible to invest in commercial property directly,…

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Commercial Paper – South Florida Business and Commercial Litigation and AAA Arbitration Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

Commercial Paper – South Florida Business and Commercial Litigation and AAA (American Arbitration Association) Arbitration Attorney: “Commercial Paper” is usually a short-term obligation with maturities ranging from 2 to 270 days issued by banks, corporations, and other borrowers to investors with temporarily idle cash. Such instruments are unsecured and usually discounted, although some are interest-bearing.…

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Letter of Credit – South Florida Business and Commercial Litigation Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

Letter of Credit – South Florida Business and Commercial Litigation and Arbitration Attorney: A Letter of Credit is an instrument or document issued by a bank guaranteeing the payment of a customer’s drafts up to a stated amount for a specified period. It substitutes the bank’s credit for the buyer’s and eliminates the seller’s risk.…

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Interest Rate Risk – South Florida State and Federal Court Commercial and Business Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

Interest Rate Risk – South Florida State and Federal Court Breach of Contract and Business Litigation Attorney: Interest rate risk is relates to the fact that changes in interest rates will adversely affect the value of an investor’s securities portfolio. For example, an investor with large holdings in long term bonds and utilities has assumed…

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