Articles Posted in Commercial and Business Dispute Litigation

Interest – Rate Options Contract – West Palm Beach, Florida FINRA Arbitration and Federal and State Court Litigation Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

Interest – Rate Options Contracts: Interest rate options contracts are options contracts based on an underlying debt security. Options, unlike futures, give their buyers the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying bond at a fixed price before a specific date in the future. Option sellers promise to sell the bonds at a…

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Should You Risk Your Home to Buy Securities or to Purchase Other Investments? South Florida Elder, Senior and Retirement Financial Abuse and Exploitation FINRA Arbitration and Litigation Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

South Florida Senior, Elder and Retirement Financial Abuse and Exploitation FINRA Arbitration, Litigation and Probate Estate Attorney: Should you risk your home to invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds or other investments? In our opinion, the answer is no. Over the years, in our representing investors, those individuals that have been impacted the most by…

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Senior Investors and Senior Designations – South Florida Elder, Senior and Retirement Financial Abuse and Exploitation FINRA Arbitration and Litigation Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

South Florida Senior, Elder and Retirement Financial Abuse and Exploitation FINRA Arbitration and Litigation Attorney: The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is a self-regulatory authority responsible for overseeing the practices of securities broker dealers. For several years, FINRA has focused on firms’ fair dealings with senior investors, as well as investors at or approaching retirement…

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Investment Scams and some Tips on how to Spot them – South Florida Securities and Investment Fraud and Misrepresentation Litigation and Arbitration Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

Investment Scams – South Florida Securities and Investment Fraud and Misrepresentation FINRA Arbitration and Litigation Attorney: When it comes to making an intelligent investment decision, nothing is fool- proof. However, there are some basic sales tactics that should turn your “red light” on. Some of the most common include: The “Phantom Riches” Tactic: Here the salesperson…

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Who Can You Trust? Elder, Senior and Retirement Financial Abuse and Exploitation FINRA Arbitration and Litigation Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

South Florida Elder, Senior and Retirement Financial Abuse and Exploitation FINRA Arbitration and Litigation Attorney: Normally, we provide information like this post on our main website. However, because of the contents of this post, we thought that it would constitute interesting reading for seniors, their care givers, personal representatives and trustees. This post reflects the…

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High Pressure Sales of Annuities to Seniors and Others – Florida Variable and Fixed Annuity Fraud, Misrepresentation and Twisting FINRA Arbitration and Litigation Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

South Florida Variable and Fixed Annuity Fraud, Misrepresentation, Breach of Fiduciary Duty and Twisting FINRA Arbitration and Litigation Attorney: We recently were presented with the following factual situation. A single 82 year old, long retired woman received a “cold call” from a mortgage broker, who, after repeated telephone calls and visits to the woman’s home,…

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Promissory Note Fraud and Misrepresentation – Bullet Points – South Florida Promissory Note Fraud and Misrepresentation FINRA Arbitration and Litigation Attorney
Russell L. Forkey

South Florida Promissory Note Fraud, Misrepresentation, Unregistered Sale of Securities and Unsuitable Investment FINRA Arbitration and Litigation Attorney: A Brief Description of a Promissory Note and How the Scam Works: An investment scam that has been gaining in popularity among fraudsters is the sale of promissory notes, especially to seniors. Unlike many investments today, promissory…

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Protecting Senior Investors – Report For Financial Service Firms Issued by the SEC, NASAA and FINRA
Russell L. Forkey

This post contains a copy of a report issued by the staff of the SEC, NASAA and FINRA and does not reflect the view of, or include findings or conclusions of the Securities and Exchange Commission. The full release is contained on the attached pdf. document. PROTECTING SENIOR INVESTORS:COMPLIANCE, SUPERVISORY AND OTHER PRACTICES USED BYFINANCIAL…

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Elder and Senior Financial Abuse Attorney – Common Sense Tip for Seniors to Help Protect Your Nest egg
Russell L. Forkey

South Florida Elder and Senior Financial Abuse and Breach of Fiduciary Duty Litigation FINRA Arbitration and Litigation Attorney: The North American Securities Administrators Association, Inc. (NASAA) has issued a post that sets forth 10 general tips to help you protect your nest egg. I have modified this list somewhat based upon issues that I have…

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FAQ’s Relating to Life Settlements that Should be Considered by Not Only Seniors but All Investors
Russell L. Forkey

South Florida Life Settlement Fraud, Misrepresentation, Breach of Contract and Breach of Fiduciary Duty FINRA Arbitration and Litigation Attorney: This post contains important information that should be considered and questions that should be asked by anyone contemplating entering into a life settlement transaction What is a life settlement? In a “life settlement” transaction, a life…

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